Paul Ropp clothes, and the man himself, are anything but conventional. Ever since the heady sixties, when Ropp, amongst other things, was roadie for the Paul Butterfield Blues Band at Woodstock, and later threw hundreds of pre-rolled samples out of a rented plane over the Isle of White Rock Rock Festival to promote his new American flag printed cigarette papers, he has been in the vanguard of the extraordinary.
World Fashion -- Ropp rolled up the hippy style of the sixties and seventies into a new form of World Fashion ethnic in material [materials from India, China and Indonesia] and global in construction [Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists help make the garments].
1976 -- After making his personal, and other rock star friends' clothes for many years, he first dabbled in the garment industry in 1976. The first collection was quickly snatched up and applauded in seven countries around the world including the United States. |
1976 was one of those years the world takes a deep breath -- on the brink of exploding with the swollen pressure of change. Fashion was changing. The Hippy days, which came to be Glam and Disco, were being blasted out of the water by some testosterone fueled Punk. But that was on the other side of the world and according to Ropp his customers weren't affected. His • clients were educated travelers - people who felt like they wanted to stand out in a crowd and make a colorful statement. Hippy? "I would have preferred to have been part of the Beat generation," he remarks.
Affordable Luxury Statement -- The Paul Ropp women's and men's clothing range has always been very popular. Intricate finely woven garments and materials with stones and baubles hanging succulently from lapels, collars and breasts. Garments so delicate and fine - made for people who would prefer to go naked.
Women -- Ropp likes his women. He told us that he likes to empower women whenever possible. "We have many women working for us. I like to be surrounded by these women who are strong and powerful," he asserts. They also look good in his garments. Actually, Paul Ropp clothing has always looked most impressive draping from the feminine form. However, while women still have the magnifying glass fixed on them, men are having their moment in the Ropp focus in his latest collection, ready to go out at any moment and can be seen pictured on these pages.
Men -- Ropp says, "Men have grown to this [PR designs], not so much us changing to them. We have themes in our designs, earth, water, fire and forest, and men have always gravitated to the forest and earth styles. It's the same now."
Sensual not Sexual -- "Our clothes are for people who choose to be different. On the beach, in the restaurant or in the club -- they are not scared to make a statement. This collection is tribal and multi-fashionable; it can be mixed or stand alone." |